mandag 2. november 2009

Trip to Cuba

We all stood up very early in the morning. We first had to take the plane from Værnes to London, then to New York, and then from there we would fly to Cuba.
We were now waiting for the first plane of the day, to London. It was six a clock in the morning and we were all pretty tired, so everyone slept through the whole trip.
When we came to London and it was time to board the plane, we were still pretty tired even though we had slept on the previous plane. We got to sleep over half of the trip until they put a film on. None of us had seen it before and it helped the plane trip from beeing boring.
When we landed we could feel the heat. We had to change clothes on the airport. We did not get to do much in New York because the next plane to Cuba left in not so long.
On the plane to Cuba we played card and I (Leif) won every time. In the end Endre and Eirik gave up.
When we got to Cuba we were pretty tired, and had to check in to the hotel.
It was late, and we decided to go to our hotel rooms and sleep.

By: Leif Langø

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