mandag 5. oktober 2009

Sites in Cuba

Playas del Este

East of the capital city, Havana, you can find one of the most famous beaches in the whole world. Playas del Este is a sandy beach which is over six kilometers long. Especially in the weekends, the beach is very full and is packed by lots of Cubans and tourists. The sand is very white and the water is usually warm, making it very popular for tourists.

Morro Castle

Morro Castle is a very big fortress also located in Havana. It was built by an Italian in 1589. Today it is one of the biggest attractions in Cuba. It was built to protect the harbor in Havana for attacks, and there were several attacks where it managed to defend itself, until it fell in 1762 when the British attacked from behind. It was later re-built and it still stands today.

By: Leif Langø

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